Blog: Slow Recovery - Who is to Blame?


Date: April 27, 2012

District 8 Voters, my opponent, Kevin Brady reports in his most recent Newsletter, "First Quarter Economic Report Beyond Disappointing", "Today's report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that the U.S. economy grew at an annualized rate of 2.2% during the 1st quarter of this year. While I am thankful that the economy continues to expand, the damage being done by this Administration's polic...ies have produced a weak recovery. In the eleven quarters since the recession technically ended, U.S. economic growth has averaged only 2.4%"

Kevin Brady blames the weak recovery on the Obama Administration? Lets do a fact check Mr Congressman. Besides causing the worst recession since the great depression, what have you and your party done to help us dig our way out of the recessi...on? Here's the list of your parties accomplishments over the last three years:

- Blocked health care for first responders of 9/11.
- Blocked funding to FEMA for hurricane victims
- Blocked extending unemployment insurance
- Blocked raising the debt ceiling
- Blocked the appointment of federal judges and department heads
- Blocked Wall Street Regulation
- Blocked road repair and infrastructure Bill
- Blocked immigration reform
- Pledged to a Washington Lobbyist you would not raise taxes under any circumstances. (In essense, let the federal government go broke)

District 8 Voters, please understand this record and the audacity of our current Congressman and his party to blame a slow recovery on the current administration.

Lets Win the Vote in 2012
